   First, I want to thank you all for this great OS,
to me, it beats every other Free Unix system, at
   I'm making my first steps in C/C++ programming
after a couple years of PHP/Perl/JavaScript scripting.
   I've started a little program to try to manage
filesystem quotas whitout having to manually edit
(with $EDITOR) the parameters.
   Investigating I found out that I have the
quotactl() function to do the job and the statfs()
call to retrieve filesystem information, but here's
the question.
   I'm having problems with the values that the statfs
retrieves. I've been comparing mi values with the ones
returned by the webmin (webmin.org) utility, who in
turn calls the edquota, quotacheck, etc. functions and
can't understand the system. In some cases seems to
work using statfs->f_blocks * dqb_curblocks and the
like but, to finally ask the question:
   I have made the whole circuit of FreeBSD
documentation, really, but still can't understand the
  Finally, I'm running a 4.6.2 version on a AMD K6-II.
  I'll appreciate any help and please excuse my poor
english. Keep up!


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