Ralf Mardorf writes:
> Have you tested Debian's FreeBSD port? Debian GNU/kFreeBSD perhaps
> does provide a more current user space.
> https://wiki.debian.org/Debian_GNU/kFreeBSD
Hmm, I think I would prefer a distribution with a relatively large user
base. The Wikipedia page also states that the
Steve O'Hara-Smith writes:
>> 2. Try to become a maintainer. How?
> Step one would be to try bringing the port up to date yourself,
> sometimes it is as easy as editing the Makefile, changing the version
> and running make makesum to update the checksums. Sometimes the
> patches need to
I would like to switch from Linux to FreeBSD, but am puzzled by the
timeliness of the ports. In particular, I use a drawing program called
asymptote quite heavily in my work. From the ports page I noticed that
the ports version is approximately 14 months old: