I'm getting the exact same problem here, with an HP5000.  It looks like a 
seperate port is going to be needed for ESP Ghostscript for this version.


Alan is working on this one now, and we'll hopefully see a fix soon for this.


Last update on this was about a week ago.  Man this port got real complicated 
real fast.


> Upgrading my cups to (through ports) seems to have broken my
> printing.  I now get errors like
> I [18/Jul/2002:21:54:51 +1000] Job 325 queued on 'Stylus' by 'marauder'.
> E [18/Jul/2002:21:54:51 +1000] Unable to convert file 0 to printable
> format for job 325!
> in the logs.  http://www.cups.org/software.html hints that this is
> because pstoraster now needs to be rolled into ghostscript instead of
> being installed by cups, but I have had no luck in getting pstoraster
> into the gnu-ghostscript port.  Any advice?  I'd settle for going back
> to cups 1.1.14 but I don't think it'll compile without patches...
> FreeBSD calpurnia.marauder.tm 4.4-RELEASE FreeBSD 4.4-RELEASE #2: Sun Jan
> 27 23:07:09 EST 2002
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/src/sys/compile/CALPURNIA  i386
> thanks,

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to read."
 - Groucho Marx

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