I have been successfuly running apache2 as a web server with php5 as a
module. Recently I needed access to a database so I tried to upgrade
my system by adding mysql4 as the database server.
I had installed apache2 and php5 from the ports. Previously I would
install php5-extensions to build the
Is there any way of detecting the type of file system on a disk,
specifically UFS2 or UFS1?
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I recently upgraded apache2 and mod_php4 using portupgrade. Now all my scripts that
reference mysql fail with the error message:
PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function: mysql_connect() in
I re-built Apache and mod_php4
with the following com
After upgrading one of my system from 4.6 to 4.7 I get an S/Key prompt
when I ssh to a 4.6 system. How can I get rid of the skey prompt. I have
tried fiddling with pam.conf but it doesn't seem to make ant difference
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How do I turn off the prompt for an s/key password? I started getting
the request when I upgraded from 4.5 to 4.7
Robert Munn
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