> By tree-based you mean the ability to define "this directory and
> everything under it gets X amount of storage, regardless of owner"?
> If so, I also wish this ability existed, and I've talked with several
> administrators of ISPs that sorely need that ability as well. If it
> is a monumental
Has anybody done work on Tree-based quotas for UFS/UFS2? As an
administrator I'm finding more and more reasons that such a thing would
be a good thing.
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> Where is i can get freebsd to accept longer usernames ?
Adjust MAXLOGNAME to the new value (don't forget the NULL).
That should do it... rebuild kernel and os.
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Under Linux compatability, I've had really no success with version 4 or
5 of the TSM client. The client seems to run, I've setup "virtualmountpoints"
in dsm.sys (or is that opt) because UFS isn't a valid file system that TSM
expects from a "Linux" client. It fires off, for a backup, but then we