
2012-10-18 Thread Solmin Vladimir
Hello! $ uname -a FreeBSD x 6.3-RELEASE-p2 FreeBSD 6.3-RELEASE-p2 #2: Fri Mar 18 01:15:38 MSK 2011 xx@xx:/usr/src/sys/amd64/compile/X amd64 $ cd /usr/ports/graphics/pecl-imagick/ [skvernobot@ns:/usr/ports/graphics/pecl-imagick]$ make === pecl-imagick-3.0.1_1 depends

Re: nginx log empty

2012-10-05 Thread Solmin Vladimir
Hi! $ cat /usr/local/etc/nginx/nginx.conf #user nobody; worker_processes 10; worker_priority -5; worker_rlimit_nofile 20600; pid/var/run/; events { worker_connections 20600; use kqueue; } http { include mime.types; default_type

apache 2.2.22_8

2012-09-15 Thread Solmin Vladimir
Hi! Im using apache 2.2.22_6 with make options in /etc/make.conf # apache22 .if ${.CURDIR} == ${PORTSDIR}/www/apache22 WITH_SUEXEC=YES SUEXEC_DOCROOT= /www SUEXEC_USERDIR= /www/*/cgi-bin SUEXEC_LOGFILE= /var/log/suexec.log WITH_APACHE_PERF_TUNING=yes .endif

Re: Error after upgrading to php 5.4.6

2012-09-03 Thread Solmin Vladimir
Hi! After any upgrade of php i'm use one script that was founded on $ cd /usr/local/etc/php $ cat #!/bin/sh # = # Fix php/extensions.ini order # # Script based on the idea and information(s) of # -

Re: mc-light with tcsh receives segfault

2012-07-27 Thread Solmin Vladimir
Hello, my system doesn't work with tcsh too ( $ uname -a FreeBSD xxx.xx 9.0-RELEASE-p3 FreeBSD 9.0-RELEASE-p3 #0: Thu Jul 5 16:54:22 MSK 2012 root@x:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/PORT amd64 $ env | grep SHELL SHELL=/bin/tcsh $ mc Segmentation fault $ mc -V The Midnight Commander 4.1.40-pre9