
My problem is derived from the situation with infrared, being
unsupported within the kernel.
I tried to override the case using ircomm-1.00, found in ports. Btw, the
goal is to set up inet connection via modem, embedded into cellular
phone with GPRS access.
I was lucky to tune everything, but the sad point of speed: it is almost
impossible to rise it up to 115200. While the connections ups in 100% of
cases at 9600 (settings for ppp|pppd and ircomm), it downs to 3% of
total attempts at 115200. The surprise is that it nevertheless possible
to connect at high speed!
Ircomm developer replied with no ideas as to my problem.

May be it's the right time to return to infrared support? May be port
from NetBSD, which, as know, supports it at kernel level?

I'll appreciate any hint or suggestion...


PS> I run FreeBSD 4.4; HW: notebook with Intel-P133, infrared, mapped to
com2 with Standard mode and Fast mode (with DMA), set via bios.

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