Hello :-)
I'm new to freeBSD, so forgive me if my question is boring :-(

I just discover than my computer hosting company allow the use of freeBSD (http://www.ovh.com/fr/particulier/items/distributions/free_bsd.xml?sort=bsd&gm=pop) on they cheap (20€/month http://www.ovh.com/fr/particulier/produits/kimsufi08.xml) systems.

until now I used on my hosted computer my linux of choice, that is openSUSE, but on a cheap, that is with little power, server, openSUSE is overkill

so I plan to use freBSD soon.

However, as said, I don't now yet freeBSD. I have some sort of experience of openBSD, but only on old fashioned computer (SS1, SS20...) but I think there will not be major difference and I plan anyway to install freebsd on virtualbox first to test it.

I'm an old linux hacker and compiling is not really a problem, even if I feel better without :-)

so then, my question: what about security updates? with openSUSE I have an automatic update. For freeBSD, I didn't find anything on this archive list and the google search sent me to old doc (2003)


where is freeBSD in this respect?


Jean-Daniel Dodin
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