
I am having troubles getting my Palm m505 working via USB under 5.3 RELEASE. 
For the basic setup, I have been following: 

I have a new kernel and it recognises the Palm unit during hot sync:

Jan 24 16:20:03 kant kernel: ucom0: Palm, Inc. Palm Handheld, rev 1.00/1.00, 
addr 3
Jan 24 16:20:03 kant kernel: ucom0: Palm, Inc. Palm Handheld, rev 1.00/1.00, 
addr 3
Jan 24 16:20:23 kant kernel: ucom0: at uhub1 port 4 (addr 3) disconnected
Jan 24 16:20:23 kant kernel: ucom0: detached

My problem is with /dev/ucom0  and /dev/pilot.  How do I create these 
correctly?  I have the following entry in /etc/usbd.conf:

  device "PalmOS Device"
        devname "ucom0"
        vendor 0x0830
        product 0x0002
        release 0x0100

This create /dev/ucom0 on connection but with permissions 660, so pilot-link 
as a user fails.

Any help appreciated.

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