-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: How to Reinstate gamin-0.1.5_2 Dependency
Date: Sun, 05 Feb 2006 14:03:34 -0500
From: Bob Perry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Joe Marcus Clarke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Joe Marcus Clarke wrote:
On Wed, 2006-02-01 at 22:07 -0500, Bob Perry wrote:
Joe Marcus Clarke wrote:
On Wed, 2006-02-01 at 00:44 -0500, Bob Perry wrote:
On Tue January 31 2006 11:58 pm, you wrote:
On Tue, 2006-01-31 at 23:10 -0500, Bob Perry wrote:
I'm running FreeBSD 5.4 and recently cvsup'd my system  and followed that
with portupgrade.  I subsequently ran pkgdb -Fu and was asked if
gamin-0.1.5_2 was a stale dependency for gnomevfs2-2.12.2_1 and
inadvertently responded yes.  I attempted to reinstall gamin-0.1.5_2 and
received a message stating that it was in conflict with fam-2.6.9_6 which
I found was required by
firefox-1.5_5,1.  The message also indicated that I should delete
fam-2.6.9_6 and then I could complete installation of gamin-0.1.5_2  so I
did.  I ran pkgdb -Fu again and replaced fam-2.6.9_6 with gamin-0.1.5_2
as a dependency of firefox.  I expected to see a similar prompt
requesting me to make gamin-0.1.5_2 a dependency of gnomevfs2-2.12.2_1
but did not.

Both, gamin-0.1.5_2 and fam-2.6.9_6 seem to fulfill the same function of
monitoring file alterations (?). I don't fully understand the purpose but
my question is how do I return gamin-0.1.5_2 as a dependent of
gnomevfs2-2.12.2_1 and was I correct in making it a dependent of firefox?
You can only have one installed.  The following command will replace fam
with gamin:

portupgrade -o devel/gamin -f fam
I already removed fam when I installed gamin so this command doesn't recognize fam. However, it seems as though I need to do more than simply change dependency via pkgdb -Fu. For instance, gamin is now a dependency of firefox because I change it with the pkgdb -Fu command. If I understand your command, I really need to run portupgrade on firefox to make the change whole. Correct?
No, just run pkgdb -Ff, and select gamin if it asks about fam.


Thanks Joe,
I ran pkgdb -Ff and there was no output or prompts. However, when I ran the pkg_info -rR gnomevfs2-2.12.2_1 command, gamin did not appear. As far as I knew it was still a dependency of gnomevfs2. Did I miss a step?

You must still have fam installed.  gnomevfs2 will register a dependency
to either fam or gamin.

My system must be out of sync.  I could not find fam.  I cvsup'd my
system again and found a new a warning/recommendation in
/usr/ports/UPDATING stating that users of textproc/expat2 should force
upgrade of any ports depending on it (e.g., portupgrade -rf

I ran pkg_info -r bugbuddy-2.12.1 (one of the ports in need of
upgrading) prior to the forced upgrade, and found fam-2.6.9_6 on the
list of dependencies.  I ran the same command after the forced upgrade
and fam was replaced by gamin-0.1.5._2.

I can only assume that once the forced upgrade is complete that gamin
will have replaced fam in every case since both cannot exist at the same

I also assume that this is not a major issue but just wanted to bring,
what I hope is, closure to my original question.

Bob Perry

I apologize, but it seems like I attached this note to an earlier response which failed to include the command:
        portupgrade -o devel/gamin -f fam

This command very conveniently replaced fam with gamin and greatly facilitated the forced upgrades.

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