
I'm using a Compaq Armada E500 laptop and, after some normal newbies problems, I I succeed in installating the FreeBSD 4.7-RELEASE.
These are my first steps into freebsd...

As I have a dockable station, I've tried to plug my laptop into the "dock" in order to use it with externals monitor, mouse and keyboard.
The problem come with the keyboard which does not work at all once the boot is finished.

What is strange is that at the beginning of the boot session, the keyboard seems to work fine (keyboard leds switched on) as I'm able to launch the boot process, by pressing the Enter key, before the 10 seconds countdown end.
But once this step passed, and arriving to the login phase the keyboard doesn't not work.
As the embedded keyboard of the laptop is not accessible (plugged into the dock), I'm only able to turn off the laptop.

Could you help me with this issue ?

May be I have to build a new kernel while using the laptop outside its dock.
But as I'm a newbies I don't know how to declare 2 keyboards into my kernel configuration file.




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