* On 14/05/07 10:30 -0400, Brian Hourigan wrote:
| I'm involved in some software development and we need to provide 
| precompiled binaries for FreeBSD 5.x from a 6.2-RELEASE system
| I checked through the documentation on the pointyhat package building 
| cluster, it mentions the machines run 7.0-CURRENT and produces binaries 
| for 5.x and 6.x.. but I can't find the scripts or any documentation on how 
| exactly this is accomplished
| If anyone has any information please point me in the right direction, 
| thanks!

You want to build binaries to be run on 5.x on 6.2 or you want to run 
binaries built on a 5.x system on 6.2?

If the later, then /usr/ports/misc/compat5x is your friend. If the 
former, I don't know ;)



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