The verdict is in!  The problem was heat.  Before swapping out memory,
I turned on the system to see what the fan was doing.  Nothing was the
answer.  It wasn't spinning at all.  I went digging through my old
hardware and found a fan of the right type and dimensions that fit
nicely, and more importantly worked.

So, before swapping out memory I tried it.  The build of
cvsup-without-gui still failed, but not due to a hang or sig11
problems.  It died for something else, and since I'm just going to use
csup, I'm not going to worry about it.

After updating my ports and source trees with csup, I successfully
completed a compile of vim (to include gvim which required X to be
compiled and installed).  And then I successfully completed a "make
buildworld" of the sources.  Tonight, I'm going to rebuild the kernel
and do the installs.

I can eliminate some of the confusion everyone was having when I said
it was a K6 700mHz CPU.  It wasn't a K6 at all.  When I pulled off the
heat sink, I saw that the chip was stamped "Duron."  I had seen 700mHz
on either the BIOS or the dmesg output during boot, and because the
case had a K6 sticker on it, assumed that was the CPU type.

At any rate, I want to thank everyone for the great suggestions
especially that link to the sig 11 stuff for gcc compiling.  That was
very informative.  Looks like everything is working ok now.

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