
I'm a bit of a novice when it comes to BSD but I thought I'd install it on 
my notebook so that I can do my Zope + PostgreSQL development on it: BeOS 
doesn't yet have have select() and windows 2k + cygwin isn't so much fun 

I've got FreeBSD 4.6, 4.7 and 5.0 nad have problems with all three. I've 
checked the FAQs and searched the web but haven't really round anything 

I was hoping 5.0 would have the best support for my notebook (Sony VAIO 
GR1114 EK) but I can't even boot properly as the boot hangs on the the 
cardbus driver. I've been told I can't comment out or bypass the driver as 
it's hard-coded in the kernel so I'd like to know what I can do. In BeOS we 
have somethign called failsafe mode which disables pretty much everything 
except VGA, keyboard and mouse and is quite useful when tracking hardware 
problems. Is there something similar for FreeBSD? Will I need to recompile 
the kernal and if yo how do I do this before I can install the OS?

I also received 4.6 and 4.7 and tried them. Both boot and install but 4.7 
seems to struggle with my Toshiba DVD meaning that it takes about one 
minute longer to boot each time than 4.6. So I decided just to install 4.6. 
I'm not after bells and whistles after all. The install runs fine apart 
from the fact I cannot find drivers for my graphics card (Radeon mobility) 
for XFree86. I've read somewhere that the ATI drivers didn't make it into 
the distribution so I tried just a VESA setup. But I get an error when 
trying to start X-Windows that no monitor can be found. I realise that this 
is an XFree86 error but having tried all the various approaches and 
crashing the system with the "autoconfigure" option I thought it was time 
to ask the experts.

By the way: this is a high traffic list. Is it possible to get it as digest?

Thanx very much

Charlie Clark

Charlie Clark
Helmholtzstr. 20
D- 40215
Tel: +49-211-938-5360
GSM: +49-178-782-6226

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