
today, I used cvsup to update a server from FreeBSD 5.0 Release to
FreeBSD 5.1 Release. I didn't forget to run mergemaster.

Now I find, I can no longer get a login shell for a NIS-supported
account if I try to log into the server via ssh:

| [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ ssh server
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]'s password:
| Connection to server closed by remote host.
| Connection to server closed.

However, the authentication seems to work, as I see it in
/var/log/auth.log on the server. Also, I can invoke commands via ssh
(just not get a login shell):

| [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ ssh server ls
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]'s password:
| [home directory listing is shown]

On the other hand, a ssh login for a user with an account locally on
the server works, as does a (temporarily tested) telnet login of the
NIS user. Console logins work, too, for both local and NIS users.

Summary in a table:

command         user known by NIS   user known locally (w.r.t. server)

ssh             doesn't work        works
ssh ls          works               works
telnet          works               works
console login   works               works

Can anyone help? Please reply not only to the list but also by private
mail because I'm not subscribed to the list. Thank you!


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