On Sunday 10 August 2008 17:43:23 Warren Liddell wrote:
> I am using FreeBSD 7.0-CURREENT all ports/src upto date as of this
> morning.. when trying to compile oo below is the result during the make.
> What seems ot be causing this error ?
2 module(s):
need(s) to be re
I am using FreeBSD 7.0-CURREENT all ports/src upto date as of this morning..
when trying to compile oo below is the result during the make. What seems ot
be causing this error ?
Running processes: 0
deliver -- version: 1.129
Module 'o3tl' delivered successfully. 0 files copied, 5
On Sunday, 16 March 2003 at 21:28:42 +0200, Ian Barnes wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to build the latest version of openoffice (cvsupped earlier). I
> get this error bellow, i am runing a 5.0 Rel system with X4, and KDE 3.1
> ===> Extracting for mozilla-1.0.2_1
>>> Checksum mismatch for mozill
I am trying to build the latest version of openoffice (cvsupped earlier). I
get this error bellow, i am runing a 5.0 Rel system with X4, and KDE 3.1
[EMAIL PROTECTED] /usr/ports/editors/openoffice # make install
OO requires that the ENV variable LANG
is set to a proper value