Danny Braniss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on <freebsd-hackers>:
>       Any experiance with EMCsq./SAN? I know FreeBSD is not on their
>list, but was wondering if it works even without the 'qualified' stamp.
>       If not, then is there some recomendation for any other SAN?

I'm following up in -questions with a question of my own, point me to the
best place (-scsi or -stable?) and I'll happily repost my question in a
more suitable venue.

the related question I have been meaning to ask is which Fiber HBAs are
prople using with success on 4-STABLE?  (And have there been any notable
additions to 5-CUR for that matter?)

We love the JNIs on our Solaris boxes, but when I talked to Qlogic they
stated the semi-reasonable "we will support the hardware, but we don't do
anything with the driver and do not provide any support to FreeBSD"
response.  That aside, from looking at the isp(4) man page, it looks like
Qlogic hardware has fairly complete drivers.

So, what Fiber SCSI HBAs are people using out there, we'll have both PCI
and PCIX, mostly Dell 2550/2650/etc.  Any recommendations?

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