Hi. I'm trying to use an Hamlet XURS232 (Prolific PL-2303) USB-RS232 adapter with 5.3-RELEASE-p3. Uplcom/ucom are compiled in the kernel and the host correctly sees the dongle booting up. No problem with usbdevs -v. I get /dev/ucom0.
HOST A (ucom0) <<USB>> XURS232 <<RS232>> HOST B (sio0) By adding "ucom0:dv=/dev/ucom0:br#9600:pa=none:" to /etc/remote on A, then running tip on both hosts, I can transfer data from B to A but not the other way. I tried using other software like minicom, playing with stty and so on.. same behaviour: B doesn't receives/shows what A tries to send. The link doesn't work even if I connect B to a DCE like a modem. Cable is OK because everything works like a charm if I simply use sio0 instead of ucom0 on A. Adapter is OK because it works well connected to a Windows host. Am i missing something? P.S. Yes, I know that things changed in CURRENT (for example "standard" tty/cua devices instead of ucom).. no, I can't try CURRENT.. ;) -- Stefano Riva ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) Gruppo Utenti FreeBSD Italia - http://www.gufi.org/ _______________________________________________ freebsd-questions@freebsd.org mailing list http://lists.freebsd.org/mailman/listinfo/freebsd-questions To unsubscribe, send any mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"