> Hello FreeBSD Gnome users,
> I have been a KDE user because gnome installation/upgrade presents such a
> pain to me most of the time. Today I decided to upgrade gnome from 2.24 -->
> 2.26 but decided to visit the gnome pages first to see what is said. This is
> after looking at /usr/ports/UPDATING and not seeing much to do with this
> particular upgrade.
> Now, there are two pages, and both of them seem "upto date", but they have
> conflicting information:
> 1.http://www.freebsd.org/gnome/docs/faq212.html#q2 - says that *NOTE: Do 
> notrun
> portupgrade(1) to upgrade to GNOME 2.26!**
>    *and goes on to say one should use the gnome-upgrade.sh script, which
> seems to NOT exist in the links.
> 2. http://www.freebsd.org/gnome/docs/faq226.html#q2 - says you should use
> the following steps:
>     (a) pkgdb -Ff
>         (Remove gnome-volume-manager.)
>     (b) portupgrade -aOW
>     (c) portupgrade -f gnome-media gnome-settings-daemon
> gnome-control-center
> So I am just wondering which one is the correct version, since both are
> talking about the upgrade to 2.26.

> 1.http://www.freebsd.org/gnome/docs/faq212.html#q2
> 2. http://www.freebsd.org/gnome/docs/faq226.html#q2

Can you see the number between "faq" and ".html"? ;)


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