Wednesday, November 27, 2002, 7:47:53 PM, Toomas wrote:

TA> Hi!

>> The server has 16 4.3GB SCSII disks, and it seems to have 4 RAID
>> controllers (when I look at the RAID configuration tool, but please
>> correct me if I'm wrong). 

TA> I haven't really seen a 520, but if these RAID controllers are IBM 
TA> ServeRAID then I have a bit of bad news to you. These don't work with 
TA> FreeBSD. For god knows what reasons IBM seems to prefer Linux to 
TA> FreeBSD so Linux drivers are available but not FreeBSD.

Arrgh damn, I wish I was a hardcore C programmer, so I could make my
own driver. Well I guess I have to use Linux then, bugger :( I knew
that IBM haven't made a driver, but I was hoping that someone here

TA> Regarding your specific hardware questions, have you tried 
TA> ISTR that quite a lot of information can be found there even for older 
TA> models, but it takes a lot of digging.

Yes I'm starting to find some data...


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