I have found the source of the problem (IBCAK). After rebuilding jdk-1.4.2 again and "cp"ing "libjavaplugin_oji.so to" "/usr/X11R6/lib/browser_plugins/", firefox still crashed on a page with a java applet.

I did, as I now know I have to, go back and "ln" to the source "libjavaplugin_oji.so" in the same directory and firefox no longer crashes.

Can anyone shed information on why the file copy method would not work over the soft link method?

Kevin G. Eliuk wrote:

When running firefox with java enabled, and browse to a page with a
java applet I get to following console error.
INTERNAL ERROR on Browser End: Exec of "java_vm" failed: 2
System error?:: No such file or directory
INTERNAL ERROR on Browser End: Could not read ack from child process
System error?:: Resource temporarily unavailable--
I have built the java port and included WITH_IPV6. I also caught an earlier error
and rebuilt affected ports after upgrading to linux_base-8 as per



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