I've been using FreeBSD and ports for quite a while and I like the
ports system.  The only problem is that in about half of the time
ports installation or upgrade does not go that well.  When it works
without errors it is perfect.

First, how I am using the system.  I started to use portupgrade only
and I am running cvsup sometimes, although I prefer not to do it
unless I need it.  Normally, I run cvsup for all.  Is it safe to run
cvsup for category I am intrested in?  For example, I want to update
nvu HTML editor.

My typical commands:

        portupgrade -PR port_name

I prefer to use the following command (it is faster), but it seems to
work the best, when everything is in perfect synchronized state:

        portupgrade -wWPR port_name

Most of the time I run

        portupgrade -PR port_name

Here are the typical problems.


Inconsistency in the database, please, run:

        pkgdb -F

I run it and then I have no clue what to say about stale dependencies.
If I say no error does not go away.  I have to say yes.  I am not sure
of what the consequences are.  

Sometimes things just don't get deleted.  I will post a separate
message about this problem.


The option -R takes care of dependencies.  Quite often dependencies
fail to build.  For example, the port was installed, but the
dependency on


was not satisfied.  I had the same problem with perl gettext port.
Sometimes build process actually recommends to reinstall failed port.
The good news are that after reinstallation missing files appear.
Normally, the following command takes care of the dependency problem:

        portupgrade -f failed_depency_port

I understand, that portupgrade makes our life easier, but the pain does
not really go away.  What do I do wrong?  

It seems to me that, when I try to install new application after cvsup
I end up with inconsistencies.  Am I supposed to upgrade absolutely
everything, every time I run cvsup?

        portupgrade -rRa 

The line above would take a while.  What should I do if it breaks in
the middle of building Gnome or X.  Will I end up without X
environment, until the problem is fixed?  Is it safe to update
everything from X terminal in Gnome or KDE?
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