
Just a quick question - especially valid in regards to VPN (L2TP / PPTP).

I know this will depend solely on the NAS, but considering a normal *nix pppd process, and a windows based RAS client... Is it at all possible to get PPP to assign static routes to the CLIENT during the authentication process?

Let's say I have a DMZ with 10/8 and 20/8 used for addressing. A client connects to a VPN server on a.b.c.d Unless I tell the client to use the VPN as a Default Gateway, the client will not have routes to route 10/8 and 20/8 over the VPN link... What needs to be done to tell Windows this?

Sure, I know I can always add these routes manually, but I'm trying to avoid it :)

Just a general q... Sorry for OT

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