
I've been having an issue with a Compaq Proliant DL580.  For some odd
reason it randomly reboots.  This usually happens when I leave it on for
more than two days.

I'd like to find out when it reboots first of all, and second, obviously,
I'd like to find out why, and prevent it from doing so.

The system specs are as follows:

dual xeon 700mhz 
1 gig ram
3 x 9.1 gig drives in a RAID 5 array on a compaq integrated array
3Com 3c905C-TX
dual intel 82559 pro/100

...and it's running FreeBSD 5.3, which were installed from the CD's.

In addition, and I don't know if this is relevant, but I'm getting a slew
of messages that say something like:

"calcru: negative runtime of -x usec for pid y (something like: yarrow,
g_down, g_up, etc)

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