Hello again!

Recently I upgraded a lot of ports on one of our FreeBSD 7.4 servers. Among others I upgraded curl from 7.19.6 to 7.24.0, and php from 5.2.11 to 5.3.13. PHP's curl extension is also installed.

After the upgrade, an application which tries to POST some data over https using PHP's curl_exec() function, is having trouble. curl_error() returns the following after the POST request:

SSL_write() returned SYSCALL, errno = 32

Some modifications in PHP code made everything happy again.

1. Removed the Expect: 100-continue HTTP header from requests sent by curl, by adding empty Expect: header
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Expect: '));

2. Made sure CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS is an url-encoded query string instead of being a plain PHP array:

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, http_build_query($myarray));

Toomas Aas

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