
Our setup for a cluster and a bunch of diskless terminals utilizes
a DHCP and NFS server to do the job. Each client boots via PXE
(Intel NICs) and then mounts its root filesystem via NFS. This
setup works now for a really long time but it doesn't with rcNG!!

Using the new style setup with RCNG exclusively the cient boots its
kernel and then fails working on the rc-scripts. I figured out that
the client does not recognize whether it is diskless or not. Doing
so with the old style rc.diskless scripts works perfect.

I became aware of the problem when changing the setup from old style
rc scripts towards rc_ng. After mounting root FS, the client operates
on /rootpath/etc/rc script and should then recognize it is diskless
and therefore switch to rc.d/diskless and rc.d/initdiskless. These
two special scripts should then merge conf/base/etc. conf/default/etc
and conf/IP/etc together. This worked in 4.8 and 5.0 and it still works
when using the old 4.8/5.0 rc.xxx script stuff together with the new
5.1 binaries and kernel. But nothing works with rc-ng only. No memory
disk gets created, no merging is done, no diskless tasks are performed.
The process remains in the read only root filesystem and fails.

I am sure the RCNG script does not recognize a diskless operation while
with the same kernel the old style rc-system does.

has anyone the same problem? Can anyone help? What's different with the
new RCNG system to get it working?

Thanks in advance,

O. Hartmann

Systemadministration des Institutes fuer Physik der Atmosphaere (IPA)
Johannes Gutenberg Universitaet Mainz
Becherweg 21
55099 Mainz

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