> From: Jason Henson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: freebsd-questions@freebsd.org
> Date: Mon, 14 Mar 2005 02:00:48 +0000
> Subject: Re: kern.maxpipekva exceeded, please see tuning(7)
> On 03/13/05 15:44:32, John DeStefano wrote:
> > I have seen a mention or two of this error on the lists before,
> > including this link to the "current" list I pulled up from Google:
> > http://lists.freebsd.org/pipermail/freebsd-current/2004-January/019150.html
> >
> > In my case, the errors began after my exploratory two-year-old found
> > the shiny 'reset' button and could not resist its powers.  I'm also
> > getting HDD error messages on boot, 'fsck -y' shows all the file
> > systems as read-only and returns errors on one of them, and I can no
> > longer SSH into my system (due to, I assume, too many open file
> > handles), or even get a command in on my console without an error
> > popping in..
> >
> > The solution does not seem clear cut to me, and it seems the error
> > message itself does not provide valid (or, at least, sufficient)
> > information.
> >
> > Could someone please help, or point me in the right direction?
> >
> > Thanks, as always,
> > John
> > _______________________________________________
> FreeBSD is very robust with power failures, but that was a reset
> button.  Do you have acpi on?  When I hit my power button every once in
> a while my system shuts down properly.  Try booting into single user
> mode and do a manual mount and fsck.
> And just to help you out:
> $ sysctl -ad | grep pipekva
> kern.ipc.maxpipekva: Pipe KVA limit
> kern.ipc.pipekva: Pipe KVA usage
> $ sysctl -a | grep pipekva
> kern.ipc.maxpipekva: 8634368
> kern.ipc.pipekva: 344064
Thank you Jason.  I do have ACPI on.  I believe booting into -s mode,
manually mounting and fsck-ing the slices, and adding the two kernel
paramenters to /boot/loader.conf as you suggsted has sorted me (or, at
least, alleviated the system of kernel errors). I used your parameters
ver batim; I will need to understand how the values relate to physical
memory (only 320MB) before I tinker with them.

Thanks again,
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