On Tue, Mar 21, 2006 at 02:44:02PM -0800, David Armour wrote:

the handbook directions seem direct and specific. but
#pkg_add -r openoffice

Error: FTP Unable to get ftp://ftp.freebsd.org/pub/FreeBSD/ports/i386/packages-6-stable/Latest/openoffice.tbz: File unavailable (e.g., file not found, no access)

is this a handbook, freebsd, kde or openoffice issue? combination of all four? or something specific to 'dumb newbie'?

Bit of all 4, really..openoffice is the most complex package in the
ports collection, which means it is often not buildable (e.g. if

thanks for your reply. i'm actually quite relieved.

i'm also feeling a bit like an idiot-savant: i got the whole 9gb (!) shebang installed and working, jdk1.4 (or 5?) inclusive, with minimal difficulty... that is, if you don't count the day & a half of chuntering away the wee box went through to get to that point. but that was a couple of weeks back, give or take, and on a substantially different configuration. (a 15gb / partition, for starters, before i lost my nerve and reverted to
the 4gb mess i'm presently contending with)

something else upon which it depends fails), so it is not always
available in the most recent package sets.  The openoffice developers
also provide packages, or you could use the 'release' package sets on

got one already, thanks. but i think i've definitely run out of room to manoeuvre, if the most recent df -h is any indication.

thanks again. i'm continually amazed at the number of messages i see your name
at the end of.

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