I rebuilt a box recently, and used pwd_mkdb to rebuild the databases using a backup of master.passwd. Along with having problems with getting saslauthd working, I seem to have stumbled on another problem that might be related. Today we had an employee quit, and I had to delete her account on the mail server. I logged onto the system, and did the following:

ns1# rmuser
Please enter one or more usernames: jdoe
Matching password entry:

jdoe:*:1010:500::0:0:John Doe:/home/jdoe:/bin/sh

Is this the entry you wish to remove? y
Remove user's home directory (/home/jdoe)? y
Removing user (jdoe): home passwdpw: user 'jdoe' does not exist: No such file or directory

Logging in as jdoe does work, and has worked since I rebuilt the databases. There is a /home/jdoe directory. I checked, and there is a line item in master.passwd for jdoe. I ran pwd_mkdb again, but still cannot delete this user. I'm thinking that if rmuser can't verify a user, it's probably the same reason that salauthd cannot as well. Any ideas on what I have missed?

Greg Groth

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