Re: strange behavior when libnss-mysql...

2005-06-20 Thread Oliver Dumat
hi i know that its not a firewallthing cause i verify it with the console mysql-client (same password and username) and it works like it should work. the permission thing wars the first thing i checked because its the cause of the most errors ;) Oliver Dumat On Mon, Jun 20, 2005 at 08:39:47AM -04

strange behavior when libnss-mysql is querying a server with tcp

2005-06-20 Thread Oliver Dumat
hi folks iam using freebsd 5.4 with libnss-mysql 1.4 and mysql-client40. libnss-mysql querys on localhost through a socket with no problems. if i want libnss-mysql querys a database host i get errors: - the connection defintivly works to the other server (veryfied with the mysql client) - the con