
I've installed poppassd and am having problems getting it to work.

> $ telnet localhost 106
> Connected to foo.com
> Escape character is '^]'.
> 200 poppassd v1.2 hello, who are you?
> user bar
> 200 your password please.
> pass oldpassword
> 200 your new password please.
> newpass newpassword
> 500 Server busy - try again later.
> Connection closed by foreign host.

Then syslog shows:

> Jul  4 14:36:06 poppassd[774]: can't find pty
> Jul  4 14:36:06 dogstar kernel: Jul  4 14:36:06 foo poppassd[774]: can't find pty

A quick look in /dev shows that there are no ttyp[0-x]. I've created a
custom kernel to be sure that pty is included, and the same kernel
config works on two other boxes.

I guess what I'm asking is, how do I debug devfs for FreeBSD 5.1?


Richard Jones

Richard Jones
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