I've been trying for some time now to figure out a way how to use the right syntax in /etc/login.conf
to add a class that will restrict some users who will have that class to their home directory only.

Some users have the nologin because they are only ftp users and they are chroot'ed with /etc/ftpchroot.

But some users should have the ability to use sftp or ssh but they should stay restricted in their home.

I've implemented jail on other machines, and I understand it's what comes to mind first. but on this machine I need to use something like login.conf to do the restriction. I don't want also to use ports such as "flash" or "scponly".

Anyone can give a hand how to add that class in login.conf to restrict some users in something like.
/home/untrusted/ after specifying that class when using adduser ?

The scenario is some users will have shell access to use sftp or ssh but they will be a member of a class that will be defined in login.conf they should be restricted in their home directory. and they are in /etc/ftpchroot.

PS. please Cc me because I'm not subscribed to the list, due to mail server maintenance.

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