A bit of a background: I've been experimenting with LOMAC labels on a 9.1-RELEASE test system. To get the dynamic IP assigned to the machine, I tried following recipe: set the label for /sbin/dhclient to lomac/high[low]. This gets the job done, but there were a few problems: first of all, this label does not seem to persist after a reboot - I have not yet found a reasonable explanation for this. However, that would not be an issue, as it seems a LOMAC/MLS setup would need a script at boot time to update the labels anyway - the /dev filesystem needs them too.

When running a script to set the labels from /etc/rc.d I ran into the following problem. Here's the relevant part of the script:

        check_startmsgs && echo -n "Setting MAC policy: "
        ls -lZ /sbin/dhclient
        /usr/sbin/setpmac lomac/equal,mls/equal \
                /usr/sbin/setfsmac -v -ef /usr/home/test/mac.policy /
        ls -lZ /sbin/dhclient
        setfmac lomac/high\[low\] /sbin/dhclient
        ls -lZ /sbin/dhclient
        check_startmsgs && echo '.'

It produces the following output on boot:

Setting MAC policy: lomac/high(low-high),mls/low(low-high)
uid=0(root) gid=0(wheel) groups=0(wheel)
-r-xr-xr-x 1 root wheel lomac/high,mls/low 93616 Dec 4 11:33 /sbin/dhclient
setfsmac: /usr/home/test/mac.policy: read 1 specifications
/sbin/dhclient matched by (^/sbin/dhclient$,lomac/high[low])
-r-xr-xr-x 1 root wheel lomac/high,mls/low 93616 Dec 4 11:33 /sbin/dhclient -r-xr-xr-x 1 root wheel lomac/high[low],mls/low 93616 Dec 4 11:33 /sbin/dhcl

As you can see, the setfsmac command fails to set the aux grade (but doesn't give an error), the following setfmac command succeeds.

The file mac.policy contains just this:

/sbin/dhclient                  lomac/high[low]

Normally, one would suspect that something is wrong with the syntax in this file. After all, setfmac and setfsmac are essentially the same program. However, when logged in as root, running the same script results in setting the label correctly by the setfsmac command. I can only conclude, that in the case described above, mac_set_file(), as called by setfsmac does not return an error but does not set the label either. There does not seem to be a scenario where the call would fail and setfsmac would be silent about it.

I've also experimented with setting other labels this way and that appeared to work normally (skipping the detailed results to keep things brief). The only case of failure I found was setting a LOMAC aux grade, by setfsmac, from a boot-time script.

To avoid any misunderstanding, the issue here is the ability to set the aux grade on the binary. Getting the IP configured was just the way I stumbled into this and can of course be handled in other ways. Also, it is probably obvious from the above script listing, but the files sit on / filesystem that has multilabel set. lomac and mls modules are loaded.

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