On Mon, 29 Nov 2004, secmgr wrote:

> Michael Nottebrock wrote:
> > Hanspeter Roth wrote:
> >
> >> The problem here is, that the Beastie picture is disabled by
> >> default. This is obviously not compatible with the majority of
> >> people.
> >
> > You're not up-to-date with the latest events, the beasty menu was
> > completely nuked from CVS yesterday after the most recent complaints
> > and we're now stuck again with the plain old loader prompt.
> Why nuke the menu?  I can understand (although not agree with) taking
> out beastie, but the menu was handy, and added useful (to me at least)
> functionality.  Is there some way to tweak it back in?
> thanks
> jim

I'd hope that this is only a temporary measure until someone can get
around to rewriting the boot menu to load minus beastie as the default,
and I'd hope there's the option to enable loading with beastie enabled in
either b&w or color.

I'd think it would be just easier to remove the "boring-beastie" and
"technicolor-beastie" ascii art sections from the beastie.4th file so that
we could still have the menu until a final fix to this issue can be made.

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