I was running 6.3-RELEASE-p2 on my ThinkPad  notebook until 3-Oct-2008
when I csup'd and built RELENG_6_4 (6.4-RC1). All went well for weeks
until I took the notebook off-site to a place with no network and saw it
fail to boot. This morning I updated to the latest RELENG_6_4 and the
problem persists.

In /etc/fstab I have...
mynfssrv:/kits  /kits  nfs  late,rw,-T,-b

Booting with no network available, I see:
Mounting late file systems: mynfssrv: hostname nor servname provided, or not 
Mounting /etc/fstab filesystem failed, startup aborted
ERROR: ABORTING BOOT (sending SIGTERM to parent)!
Oct 22 11:46:56 rwpc08 init: /bin/sh on /etc/rc terminated abnormally, going to 
single user mode
Oct 22 11:46:56 rwpc08 init: can't get /dev/console for controlling terminal: 
Operation not permitted
(only recourse at this stage is to hit the power button and boot single user)

If I comment out the nfs mount entry in /etc/fstab the system boots

If I replace the NFS server hostname with an IP address, I see the
familiar behaviour of the NFS mount giving up and backgrounding - and
the boot proceeding happily...  /kits  nfs  late,rw,-T,-b

Mounting late file systems:[tcp] RPCPROG_NFS: RPC: Port mapper 
failure - RPC: unable to
mount_nfs: Cannot immediately mount, backgrounding

I think the hostname stuff in mount_nfs has changed without taking this
scenario into consideration?

John Marshall

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