I see mention of CARP as a device-type in the devd.conf documentation
but for the life of me cannot manage to get devd to recognize *any*
changes in the CARP interface.

I have set
sysctl net.inet.carp.log=2
and I see message in /var/log/messages when the interface goes
INIT->BACKUP and BACKUP -> MASTER, but for the life of me cannot get
devd to "see" these changes.

I have tried something even as simple as:
notify 100 {
        action "logger -p kern.notice '$device-name interface has

and then bringing the CARP interfaces up and down on either boxes to
change INIT and BACKUP/MASTER states, but *nothing* is noted. Does CARP
simply not work that way with devd (i.e. only the creation of the CARP
device, not any subsequent states, work )?


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