Hi all

I've some problem with my «first» server.

This server have one and only one purpose : nfs server.

Recently (last week) I've change the old server by the new one (HP Proliant
ML 350 G4), the data is on a FC raid MSA1000 attach by Fiber Channel to my

The old server running FreeBSD 4.x and everthing is fine.

When I install the new server I would install a new release, for that I
install...well....FreeBSD 6-Stable (I known that's not good idea to use
Stable on production).

After this upgrade everthing work fine ... until this morning. I've two
problems and I don't known if there are any relation between this two

First : one my nfs client (I've ~ 10 clients) running Linux 2.4.28 kernel
have lost this nfs mount filesystem. After many «mount -a» he re-mount the
nfs filesystem...and lost it after 10 minutes. I reboot the server and
everthing working.

Second (2 hours after the first problem) : On the 6-stable I forget two of
my interface (I've 5 ethernet interfaces), and on console I've see some

        bge0 watchdog timeout problems
        fxp1 watchdog timeout problems

I've search on archive of this mailing list and I've see some one already
have this problem.

Now I've make up2date all system (cvsup , make world, etc...)

But what's you advice (all advice is welcome) if the problem come again ? 


NB: For some reason I don't know the dmesg is empty....

NB: The hardware configuration:

        ML350 G4
        bi-pro 3.4 Ghz
        1Go Ram
        ISP Qlogic FC connector
        dual 1000Mbits/s
        dual 100Mbits/s
        one 1000Mbits/s on mothercard.

interrupt                          total       rate
irq1: atkbd0                        1309          0
irq4: sio0                         48430          2
irq6: fdc0                            87          0
irq13: npx0                            1          0
irq15: ata1                           41          0
irq16: uhci0                     4525006        207
irq17: bge0                     14890202        683
irq24: mpt0                           28          0
irq25: mpt1                           16          0
irq26: fxp0 fxp1                   53026          2
irq48: isp0                       839475         38
irq72: ciss0                       96835          4
irq76: em0                       3574512        164
irq77: em1                       2041072         93
cpu0: timer                     43544839       1998
cpu1: timer                     43533960       1998
Total                          113148839       5193

Albert SHIH
Universite de Paris 7 (Denis DIDEROT)
U.F.R. de Mathematiques.
7 ième étage, plateau D, bureau 10
Tel      : 01 44 27 86 88
FAX      : 01 44 27 69 35
GSM(UFR) : 06 85 05 58 43
Heure local/Local time:
Tue Feb 14 20:46:39 CET 2006
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