I observed the same behaviour with a USB memory stick (da1s1s4).

Everything is back to normal after applying the diff from geom_mbr.c
1.65 (and the problem seems not to be limited to "disks with extended

Claude Buisson

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Recursive slicing of msdosfs disk (da0s4s4) ?
Date: Sun, 17 Apr 2005 14:19:26 +0200
From: Claude Buisson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: freebsd-stable@freebsd.org

Trying to keep alive some old hardware, I played with an Iomega ZIP
drive on parallel port (vpo), and found the following devices:

/dev/da0          OK
/dev/da0s4        OK
/dev/da0s4s4      ????

using a factory formated disk.

This on a RELENG_5 cvsuped on April 10.

One can note that in the message:


tim.howe at celebrityresorts.com complaining about a Kodak USB Flash
found a:


so the weirdness is not specific to the Iomega use of slice 4.

Any idea ?


Claude Buisson

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