On Fri, Aug 18, 2000 at 08:23:17PM +0200, Matthieu Pasini wrote:
> Hello ,
> I compiled the kernel with the following code inside :
> ****************************************
> options  ELSA_QS1PCI
> device isic0
> pseudo-device "i4bq921"
> pseudo-device "i4bq931"
> pseudo-device "i4b"
> pseudo-device "i4btrc" 4
> pseudo-device "i4bctl"
> pseudo-device "i4brbch" 4
> pseudo-device "i4btel" 4
> pseudo-device "i4bipr" 4
> pseudo-device "i4bisppp" 4
> pseudo-device sppp4
> options IPR_VJ
> **************************************************
> And the kernel freeze when it reach the initialization of the card ..., it says me :
> ***************************************
> isic0: <ELSA Microlink ISDN/PCI> port ..... 
> isic0: Error, IPAC version 2 unknow 
> Fatal trap 12 : page fault while in kernel mode ...
> ***************************************
> And it asks me for reboot.
> The problem is the same in 4.0-stable and in 4.1-stable.
> If anyone have had the same problem as me or if anyone know more about what's 
>happening, please mail me ...

Look for patches on the mailing list.

There's some minor changes that need to be done in /sys/i4b/layer1
(they're very minor really!), I can't be sure if they'll get rid
of the panic, but they'll sort out the IPAC version 2 unknown, and
I beleive they stop the panic too.

I spend some of these weekend helping someone out with this problem,
and frankly I've seen the patches, applied the patches and still
can't quite figure out why no-one has merged them in.

So if you get the patches, send-pr the changes and hopefully someone
will commit them to the tree, or alternatively, if it's a new -stable
you might want to get an easier set of patches from someone who's
managed to get it into the tree and has access to the box still.


P.S. I've cc'd the guy who has a copy of the patch, so if you can't 
find it ask him. Sorry to hassle you Simon.

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