lo there,

      I swear at some point I had q3test working under freebsd 4.0 with my voodoo2 
card. The day the full retail version came out, I tried in vain for about a week to 
get it working and gave up. I've decided to try again. I started out with a google 
search, and only turned up documentation for using the utah-glx drivers with 
non-voodoo cards. I'm hoping that someone has this working with 4.3-beta and a voodoo2 
and can shed some light on this. I noticed 3dfx's site is gone. I was going to try to 
get the latest voodoo2 linux rpm, and use rpm2cpio to install it with linux-glide. I'm 
3 days into this and pulling my rapidly disappearing hair out at this point. If there 
is a good doc online that covers using a voodoo2 card with freebsd and the full retail 
version of linux quake3arena, that would rule. I'll be damned if I could find it. If 
someone has the full retail version working with the latest stable and a voodoo2 card, 
please let me know what the magic dance is I have to do to get it working. If I'm 
screwed and I have to use the utah-glx and get a new card, that's fine. I was about to 
do that anyway. :) I plan on getting the best card I can for the upcoming Doom3 
release. This is just to pass the time until that does happen and this list is flooded 
with questions about doom3. :)

PS: what is the current badass card for 3d gaming under freebsd?

Thanks In Advance

Best Regards,

Scott Alan Wilson

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