howdy , folks ---

this is an abridged version of a post to -questions@ .
i thank the person , there , who reminded me of this list
  [ but , still , -questions@ is a good place to start ] .

i am already aware of the schedules for 10.3 and 11.0 ;
  but , that is not why i write .

i can make assumptions ;
  i can divine_from_entrails ;
  i seek a person with --knowledge-- .

a]  is it --known-- that  9.3 is       the last of the nines or ,
      conversely ,
      is there a non_zero probability that there will be a  9.4 ?

b]  is it --known-- that 10.3 is to be the last of the  tens or ,
      conversely ,
      is there a non_zero probability that there will be a 10.4 ?

if neither of these are known ,
  then does some_one [ perhaps , a member of the re_team ] know
  the current state_of_thinking regarding
  the highest minor_number that will exist
  for each of the major_numbers that were specified
  in [a] and [b] , above ?

for the benefit of those readers who conclude that i am un_aware ,
  i thank you for your willingness to be helpful ;
  however , i already know about the security/support web_page .

the information for nine , on the web_page , has differed
  from the information posted on -announce@ , in the past .
this suggests that one person thinks one thing ,
  while another person operates under a different apprehension .
also , just because the web_page says one thing , today ,
  does not mean that it can not be changed , in the future .

for ten , this post is about
  the identification of the term , "last release" .

please cc to : emailrob at emailrob dot com ,
  as i am not subscribed to -stable@ .

in advance , i thank one and all .

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