On Wed, 22 Aug 2018 10:47:30 -0600
"John Hein" <jh-f...@snkmail.com> wrote:

> My use case is more specific (and thus perhaps less of a lofty goal?).
> I want to access a usb-based fpga jtag programmer from a linux vm
> (specifically using a xilinx tool like "impact").

FWIW, (and unless you are looking for the full "iMPACT" experience) I have 
successfully programmed both Altera (now Intel) and Xilinx fpga's using
OpenOCD and 'jtag' (from UrJTAG) - both tools run native on FreeBSD.
xcs3prog alson run native on FreeBSD, but I haven't found a "cable" (aka JTAG 
adapter) that works with it yet.

My notes:
Torfinn Ingolfsen <torfinn.ingolf...@getmail.no>
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