
I created a virtual machine with installed FreeBSD on ESXi 5.5. I added controller Adaptec 5805 to the VM via passthrough. FreeBSD detects aac controller but does not show disks. (it does not matter whether JBODs or logical volumes are configured on Adaptec)

I did some tests and ex. it works well on Ubuntu - I can use all disks on controller which was added via passhrough to the virtual machine with Ubuntu.

Everything works well under "physical" FreeBSD.


aac0: <Adaptec RAID 5805> mem 0xfd200000-0xfd3fffff irq 18 at device 0.0
on pci3
aac0: Enabling 64-bit address support
aac0: Enable Raw I/O
aac0: Enable 64-bit array
aac0: New comm. interface enabled
aac0: Adaptec 5805, aac driver 2.1.9-1
aacp0 on aac0
aacp1 on aac0
aacp2 on aac0
(probe2:aacp2:0:0:0): REPORT LUNS. CDB: a0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 10 00
(probe2:aacp2:0:0:0): CAM status: CCB request completed with an error
(probe2:aacp2:0:0:0): Retrying command
(probe2:aacp2:0:0:0): REPORT LUNS. CDB: a0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 10 00
(probe2:aacp2:0:0:0): CAM status: CCB request completed with an error
(probe2:aacp2:0:0:0): Retrying command
(probe2:aacp2:0:0:0): REPORT LUNS. CDB: a0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 10 00
(probe2:aacp2:0:0:0): CAM status: CCB request completed with an error
(probe2:aacp2:0:0:0): Retrying command
(probe2:aacp2:0:0:0): REPORT LUNS. CDB: a0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 10 00
(probe2:aacp2:0:0:0): CAM status: CCB request completed with an error
(probe2:aacp2:0:0:0): Retrying command
(probe2:aacp2:0:0:0): REPORT LUNS. CDB: a0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 10 00
(probe2:aacp2:0:0:0): CAM status: CCB request completed with an error
(probe2:aacp2:0:0:0): Retrying command
(probe2:aacp2:0:0:0): REPORT LUNS. CDB: a0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 10 00
(probe2:aacp2:0:0:0): CAM status: CCB request completed with an error
(probe2:aacp2:0:0:0): Error 5, Retries exhausted
ses0 at aacp2 bus 0 scbus4 target 0 lun 0
ses0: <AIC SES_BP-4D-1F 130a> Fixed Enclosure Services SCSI-5 device
ses0: 3.300MB/s transfers (8bit)
ses0: SCSI-3 ENC Device


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