Author: jtn
Date: Fri Jul 29 01:20:48 2016
New Revision: 33363

Tutorial: actually display the intended message when the first military
unit is built.

See gna bug #24874.


Modified: branches/S2_6/data/scenarios/tutorial.sav
--- branches/S2_6/data/scenarios/tutorial.sav   (original)
+++ branches/S2_6/data/scenarios/tutorial.sav   Fri Jul 29 01:20:48 2016
@@ -95,7 +95,6 @@
 -- TODO:
 -- Hint to check science after building 1st city?
--- Words for first military unit?
 -- Hint to build workers?
 function turn_callback(turn, year)
@@ -272,7 +271,13 @@
 _("Your second Settlers should also be used to build a new city.\nNotice how 
when you move the Settlers away from your existing cities\nan outline is drawn 
around them.  This shows the area that would be\ncovered by a city built at 
this location; it fits in with the outline\nalready on the map view that shows 
which tiles are covered by your\nexisting cities.  Generally when building new 
cities you want to make\nsure that all tiles are covered by at least one city, 
but after that\nit is best that your cities overlap as little as possible.  
Spreading\nout cities properly gives each city access to more resources, 
allowing\nthem to grow to larger sizes."))
     settlersbuilt = settlersbuilt + 1
-  elseif has_unit_type_name(unit, 'Trireme')
+  elseif not unit.utype:has_flag('NonMil') and milbuilt == 0 then
+    notify.event(unit.owner, unit.tile, E.SCRIPT,
+_("You have built your first military unit!  Military units have two\nbasic 
purposes: attack and defense.  Each unit has an attack strength\nand a defense 
strength.  While a Warriors is a measly 1/1, a Phalanx\nis a much stronger 
defender with 2 defense (1/2).  A Catapult is a good\nattacking unit because it 
has 6 attack (6/1).\n\nUsually it is a good idea to keep one or two defenders 
in each city.\nImportant cities like your capital may deserve extra protection. 
 Units\nbuilt in one city may be sent to another city to defend (press the 
G\nkey to enter goto mode to move units easily over distances).  If you\nare at 
war, however, you may wish to move your unit toward an enemy\ncity to attack.  
Be careful not to lose it though!"))
+    milbuilt = milbuilt + 1
+  end
+  -- The first military unit _could_ also be a boat...
+  if has_unit_type_name(unit, 'Trireme')
     or has_unit_type_name(unit, 'Caravel')
     or has_unit_type_name(unit, 'Frigate')
     or has_unit_type_name(unit, 'Galleon')
@@ -295,6 +300,7 @@
 settlersbuilt = 0
 boatsbuilt = 0
+milbuilt = 0
 signal.connect('unit_built', 'unit_built_callback')
 function building_built_callback(building, city)
@@ -318,14 +324,9 @@
     notify.event(city.owner, city.tile, E.SCRIPT,
 _("Your city cannot build a settler.  Settlers take one unit of\npopulation to 
build, so a city of size one cannot build one without\ndisbanding the 
city.\n\nTo remedy this, you need to adjust the citizens in the city 
to\nprovide more food so as to grow the city faster.  Cities that\ndo not have 
much food should not try to build settlers.  When\nfounding a new city, make 
sure it is built on terrain that provides\nenough food - grassland is best; 
plains or hills are almost as good."))
     nosettlermsg = true
-  elseif not unittype:has_flag('NonMil') and not nomilmsg then
-notify.event(city.owner, city.tile, E.SCRIPT,
-_("You have built your first military unit!  Military units have two\nbasic 
purposes: attack and defense.  Each unit has an attack strength\nand a defense 
strength.  While a Warriors is a measly 1/1, a Phalanx\nis a much stronger 
defender with 2 defense (1/2).  A Catapult is a good\nattacking unit because it 
has 6 attack (6/1).\n\nUsually it is a good idea to keep one or two defenders 
in each city.\nImportant cities like your capital may deserve extra protection. 
 Units\nbuilt in one city may be sent to another city to defend (press the 
G\nkey to enter goto mode to move units easily over distances).  If you\nare at 
war, however, you may wish to move your unit toward an enemy\ncity to attack.  
Be careful not to lose it though!"))
-    nomilmsg = true
 nosettlermsg = false
-nomilmsg = false
 signal.connect('unit_cant_be_built', 'unit_cant_be_built_callback')
 function tech_researched_callback(tech, player, reason)

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