Author: mir3x
Date: Wed Oct 12 08:26:30 2016
New Revision: 34103

Qt client - replaced QInputDialog with custom dialog

See patch #7812 


Modified: branches/S2_6/client/gui-qt/citydlg.cpp
--- branches/S2_6/client/gui-qt/citydlg.cpp     (original)
+++ branches/S2_6/client/gui-qt/citydlg.cpp     Wed Oct 12 08:26:30 2016
@@ -19,7 +19,6 @@
 #include <QApplication>
 #include <QDesktopWidget>
 #include <QHeaderView>
-#include <QInputDialog>
 #include <QMessageBox>
 #include <QRadioButton>
 #include <QScrollArea>
@@ -1872,15 +1871,12 @@
 void city_dialog::city_rename()
-  bool ok;
-  QString text = QInputDialog::getText(this,
-                                       _("Rename City"),
-                                       _("What should we rename the city to?"),
-                                       QLineEdit::Normal,
-                                       city_name_get(pcity), &ok);
-  if (ok && !text.isEmpty()) {
-    ::city_rename(pcity, text.toLocal8Bit().data());
+  hud_input_box ask(gui()->central_wdg);
+  ask.set_text_title_definput(_("What should we rename the city to?"),
+                              _("Rename City"), city_name_get(pcity));
+  if (ask.exec() == QDialog::Accepted) {
+    ::city_rename(pcity, ask.input_edit.text().toLocal8Bit().data());
@@ -1890,26 +1886,28 @@
 void city_dialog::save_cma()
   struct cm_parameter param;
-  bool ok;
-  QString text = QInputDialog::getText(this,
-                                       _("Name new preset"),
-                                       _("What should we name the preset?"),
-                                       QLineEdit::Normal,
-                                       _("new preset"), &ok);
-  if (ok && !text.isEmpty()) {
-    param.allow_disorder = false;
-    param.allow_specialists = true;
-    param.require_happy = cma_celeb_checkbox->isChecked();
-    param.happy_factor = slider_tab[2 * O_LAST + 1]->value();
-    for (int i = O_FOOD; i < O_LAST; i++) {
-      param.minimal_surplus[i] = slider_tab[2 * i]->value();
-      param.factor[i] = slider_tab[2 * i + 1]->value();
-    }
-    cmafec_preset_add(text.toLocal8Bit().data(), &param);
-    update_cma_tab();
+  QString text;
+  hud_input_box ask(gui()->central_wdg);
+  ask.set_text_title_definput(_("What should we name the preset?"),
+                              _("Name new preset"),
+                              _("new preset"));
+  if (ask.exec() == QDialog::Accepted) {
+    text = ask.input_edit.text().toLocal8Bit().data();
+    if (!text.isEmpty()) {
+      param.allow_disorder = false;
+      param.allow_specialists = true;
+      param.require_happy = cma_celeb_checkbox->isChecked();
+      param.happy_factor = slider_tab[2 * O_LAST + 1]->value();
+      for (int i = O_FOOD; i < O_LAST; i++) {
+        param.minimal_surplus[i] = slider_tab[2 * i]->value();
+        param.factor[i] = slider_tab[2 * i + 1]->value();
+      }
+      cmafec_preset_add(text.toLocal8Bit().data(), &param);
+      update_cma_tab();
+    }
@@ -3142,17 +3140,19 @@
   struct worklist queue;
   struct global_worklist *gw;
-  bool ok;
-  QString text = QInputDialog::getText(this,
-                                       _("Save current worklist"),
-                                       _("What should we name new worklist?"),
-                                       QLineEdit::Normal,
-                                       _("New worklist"), &ok);
-  if (ok && !text.isEmpty()) {
-    gw = global_worklist_new(text.toLocal8Bit().data());
-    city_get_queue(pcity, &queue);
-    global_worklist_set(gw, &queue);
+  QString text;
+  hud_input_box ask(gui()->central_wdg);
+  ask.set_text_title_definput(_("What should we name new worklist?"),
+                              _("Save current worklist"),
+                              _("New worklist"));
+  if (ask.exec() == QDialog::Accepted) {
+    text = ask.input_edit.text().toLocal8Bit().data();
+    if (!text.isEmpty()) {
+      gw = global_worklist_new(text.toLocal8Bit().data());
+      city_get_queue(pcity, &queue);
+      global_worklist_set(gw, &queue);
+    }

Modified: branches/S2_6/client/gui-qt/hudwidget.cpp
--- branches/S2_6/client/gui-qt/hudwidget.cpp   (original)
+++ branches/S2_6/client/gui-qt/hudwidget.cpp   Wed Oct 12 08:26:30 2016
@@ -18,6 +18,9 @@
 // Qt
 #include <QGridLayout>
 #include <QPaintEvent>
+#include <QLineEdit>
+#include <QDialogButtonBox>
+#include <QDebug>
 #include <QPainter>
 #include <QSpacerItem>
@@ -155,3 +158,158 @@
+  Custom input box constructor
+hud_input_box::hud_input_box(QWidget *parent): QDialog(parent)
+  int size;
+  setWindowFlags(Qt::WindowStaysOnTopHint | Qt::Dialog
+                | Qt::FramelessWindowHint);
+  f_text = *fc_font::instance()->get_font(fonts::default_font);
+  f_title = *fc_font::instance()->get_font(fonts::default_font);
+  size = f_text.pointSize();
+  if (size > 0) {
+    f_text.setPointSize(size * 4 / 3);
+    f_title.setPointSize(size * 3 / 2);
+  } else {
+    size = f_text.pixelSize();
+    f_text.setPixelSize(size * 4 / 3);
+    f_title.setPointSize(size * 3 / 2);
+  }
+  f_title.setBold(true);
+  f_title.setCapitalization(QFont::SmallCaps);
+  fm_text = new QFontMetrics(f_text);
+  fm_title = new QFontMetrics(f_title);
+  top = 0;
+  hide();
+  mult = 1;
+  Sets text, title and default text and shows input box
+void hud_input_box::set_text_title_definput(QString s1, QString s2,
+                                            QString def_input)
+  QSpacerItem *spacer;
+  QVBoxLayout *layout;
+  int w, w2, h;
+  QDialogButtonBox *button_box;
+  QPoint p;
+  button_box = new QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox::Ok
+                                    | QDialogButtonBox::Cancel,
+                                    Qt::Horizontal, this);
+  layout = new QVBoxLayout;
+  if (s1.contains('\n')) {
+    int i;
+    i = s1.indexOf('\n');
+    cs1 = s1.left(i);
+    cs2 = s1.right(s1.count() - i);
+    mult = 2;
+    w2 = qMax(fm_text->width(cs1), fm_text->width(cs2));
+    w = qMax(w2, fm_title->width(s2));
+  } else {
+    w = qMax(fm_text->width(s1), fm_title->width(s2));
+  }
+  w = w + 20;
+  h = mult * (fm_text->height() * 3 / 2) + 2 * fm_title->height();
+  top = 2 * fm_title->height();
+  spacer = new QSpacerItem(w, h, QSizePolicy::Expanding,
+                           QSizePolicy::Minimum);
+  layout->addItem(spacer);
+  layout->addWidget(&input_edit);
+  layout->addWidget(button_box);
+  input_edit.setFont(f_text);
+  input_edit.setText(def_input);
+  setLayout(layout);
+  QObject::connect(button_box, SIGNAL(accepted()), this, SLOT(accept()));
+  QObject::connect(button_box, SIGNAL(rejected()), this, SLOT(reject()));
+  text = s1;
+  title = s2;
+  p = QPoint((parentWidget()->width() - w) / 2,
+             (parentWidget()->height() - h) / 2);
+  p = parentWidget()->mapToGlobal(p);
+  move(p);
+  update();
+  show();
+  input_edit.activateWindow();
+  input_edit.setFocus();
+  m_timer.start();
+  startTimer(41);
+  Timer event used to animate input box
+void hud_input_box::timerEvent(QTimerEvent *event)
+  m_animate_step = m_timer.elapsed() / 40;
+  update();
+  Paint event for custom input box
+void hud_input_box::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event)
+  QPainter p;
+  QRect rx, ry;
+  QLinearGradient g;
+  QColor c1;
+  QColor c2;
+  QColor c3;
+  int step;
+  step = m_animate_step % 300;
+  if (step > 150) {
+    step = step - 150;
+    step = 150 - step;
+  }
+  step = step + 100;
+  rx = QRect(2 , 2, width() - 4 , top);
+  ry = QRect(2 , top, width() - 4, height() - top - 4);
+  c1 = QColor(palette().color(QPalette::Highlight));
+  c2 = QColor(palette().color(QPalette::AlternateBase));
+  c3 = QColor(palette().color(QPalette::Highlight)).lighter(145);
+  step = qMax(0, step);
+  step = qMin(255, step);
+  c1.setAlpha(step);
+  c2.setAlpha(step);
+  c3.setAlpha(step);
+  g = QLinearGradient(0 , 0, width(), height());
+  g.setColorAt(0, c1);
+  g.setColorAt(static_cast<float>(step) / 400, c3);
+  g.setColorAt(1, c1);
+  p.begin(this);
+  p.fillRect(rx, QColor(palette().color(QPalette::Highlight)));
+  p.fillRect(ry, QColor(palette().color(QPalette::AlternateBase)));
+  p.fillRect(rx, g);
+  p.setFont(f_title);
+  p.drawText((width() - fm_title->width(title)) / 2,
+             fm_title->height() * 4 / 3, title);
+  p.setFont(f_text);
+  if (mult == 1) {
+    p.drawText((width() - fm_text->width(text)) / 2,
+              2 * fm_title->height() + fm_text->height() * 4 / 3, text);
+  } else {
+    p.drawText((width() - fm_text->width(cs1)) / 2,
+              2 * fm_title->height() + fm_text->height() * 4 / 3, cs1);
+    p.drawText((width() - fm_text->width(cs2)) / 2,
+              2 * fm_title->height() + fm_text->height() * 8 / 3, cs2);
+  }
+  p.end();
+  event->accept();

Modified: branches/S2_6/client/gui-qt/hudwidget.h
--- branches/S2_6/client/gui-qt/hudwidget.h     (original)
+++ branches/S2_6/client/gui-qt/hudwidget.h     Wed Oct 12 08:26:30 2016
@@ -15,8 +15,10 @@
 #define FC__HUDWIDGET_H
 // Qt
+#include <QDialog>
 #include <QMessageBox>
 #include <QElapsedTimer>
+#include <QLineEdit>
 class QIcon;
@@ -31,8 +33,36 @@
   hud_message_box(QWidget *parent);
   void set_text_title(QString s1, QString s2);
-  void update_size();
+  void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event);
+  void timerEvent(QTimerEvent *event);
+  int m_animate_step;
+  QString text;
+  QString title;
+  QFontMetrics *fm_text;
+  QFontMetrics *fm_title;
+  QFont f_text;
+  QString cs1, cs2;
+  QFont f_title;
+  int top;
+  int mult;
+  Custom message box with animated background
+class hud_input_box: public QDialog
+  QElapsedTimer m_timer;
+  hud_input_box(QWidget *parent);
+  void set_text_title_definput(QString s1, QString s2, QString def_input);
+  QLineEdit input_edit;
   void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event);
   void timerEvent(QTimerEvent *event);

Modified: branches/S2_6/client/gui-qt/mapctrl.cpp
--- branches/S2_6/client/gui-qt/mapctrl.cpp     (original)
+++ branches/S2_6/client/gui-qt/mapctrl.cpp     Wed Oct 12 08:26:30 2016
@@ -20,7 +20,6 @@
 // Qt
 #include <QApplication>
-#include <QInputDialog>
 #include <QKeyEvent>
 #include <QPushButton>
 #include <QMouseEvent>
@@ -51,18 +50,15 @@
 void popup_newcity_dialog(struct unit *punit, const char *suggestname)
-  bool ok;
-  QString text = QInputDialog::getText(gui()->central_wdg,
-                                       _("Build New City"),
-                                       _("What should we call our new city?"),
-                                       QLineEdit::Normal,
-                                       QString::fromUtf8(suggestname), &ok);
+  hud_input_box ask(gui()->central_wdg);
   int index = tile_index(unit_tile(punit));
-  if (!ok) {
+  ask.set_text_title_definput(_("What should we call our new city?"),
+                              _("Build New City"), QString(suggestname));
+  if (ask.exec() == QDialog::Accepted) {
+    finish_city(index_to_tile(index),
+                ask.input_edit.text().toLocal8Bit().data());
+  } else {
-  } else {
-    finish_city(index_to_tile(index), text.toLocal8Bit().data());

Modified: branches/S2_6/data/themes/gui-qt/Classic/resource.qss
--- branches/S2_6/data/themes/gui-qt/Classic/resource.qss       (original)
+++ branches/S2_6/data/themes/gui-qt/Classic/resource.qss       Wed Oct 12 
08:26:30 2016
@@ -665,7 +665,7 @@
   background: transparent;
-hud_message_box {
+hud_message_box, hud_input_box {
   background-color: transparent;
   color: black;
   selection-background-color: rgba(231, 214, 176, 220);
@@ -683,3 +683,14 @@
   border-radius: 8px;
   padding: 2px;
+hud_input_box QPushButton {
+  color: black;
+  background: rgb(231, 214, 176);
+  border-top: 3px solid #c3b48e;
+  border-bottom: 3px solid #c3b48e;
+  border-right: 3px solid #c3b48e;
+  border-left: 3px solid #c3b48e;
+  border-radius: 8px;
+  padding: 2px;

Modified: branches/S2_6/data/themes/gui-qt/Necrophos/resource.qss
--- branches/S2_6/data/themes/gui-qt/Necrophos/resource.qss     (original)
+++ branches/S2_6/data/themes/gui-qt/Necrophos/resource.qss     Wed Oct 12 
08:26:30 2016
@@ -613,3 +613,11 @@
   alternate-background-color: rgba(220, 220, 220,220);
   border: 2px solid black;
+hud_input_box {
+  background-color: transparent;
+  color: black;
+  selection-background-color: rgba(0, 140, 0,220);
+  alternate-background-color: rgba(220, 220, 220,220);
+  border: 2px solid black;

Modified: branches/S2_6/data/themes/gui-qt/NightStalker/resource.qss
--- branches/S2_6/data/themes/gui-qt/NightStalker/resource.qss  (original)
+++ branches/S2_6/data/themes/gui-qt/NightStalker/resource.qss  Wed Oct 12 
08:26:30 2016
@@ -620,3 +620,15 @@
   border: 2px solid #3399FF;
+hud_input_box {
+  background-color: transparent;
+  color: white;
+  selection-background-color: rgba(50, 150, 250,220);
+  alternate-background-color: rgba(0, 0, 60,220);
+  border: 2px solid #3399FF;
+hud_message_box QLineEdit {
+  text: white;
+  background: #2704b2;

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