<URL: http://bugs.freeciv.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=40536 >

> [pepeto - Wed Oct 29 09:03:33 2008]:
> > [book - Wed Oct 29 01:45:22 2008]:
> > 
> > Good stuff. There remains only one weird thing that I
> > could find: now when a figher or bomber is made to
> > attack an enemy city or unit via goto, it first tries
> > to go to a closer "safe" tile and only then make the
> > attack approach. For example, this can be seen when a
> > fighter or bomber in city A tries to attack Radovljica,
> > which results in the unit running out of fuel and dying. :/
> Seems this is harder to fix. It is annoying, so I think I will
> have to rewrite all the stuff.

Sorry it was my mistake then; if this was present before
and will take much more work to fix I will leave it for
another ticket and commit your latest patch so that we
have a decently working air goto in the meantime.

Incidentally, waypoints can be used to work around this:
you just need to set a waypoint beside your target then
make the attack click.

And I also found another oddity that may or may not be
related: a fighter doesn't wait at a refuel point if it
doesn't have enough moves to complete the route. For
example, take a fighter from Gelsenkirchen and hover
a goto 2 or 3 tiles from Radovljica: the goto turn
counter says 1 turn (meaning immediately) and allows you
to send the fighter past the refuel point making it
end up with zero moves. It should wait at the refuel
point (with status icon 'G') and only next turn go to
destination (so it has moves left over to come back).


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