<URL: http://bugs.freeciv.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=40775 >

> [danutt...@rocketmail.com - Thu May 14 00:43:53 2009]:
> The attached CIVCLIENT.RPT file was generated following a crash of
> FreeCiv-SDL on a Windows 98 box.  I had built Marco Polo's Embassy,
> and had agreed to a cease-fire with all of my AI opponents.  Now I
> had just agreed to peace with all but one of the opponents.  I
> pressed F3 to contact the only opponent that was still in cease-
> fire, but the program crashed.  I did not see the dialog before it
> went down.  I saw no problems with the other opponents when I was
> "talking" with them.  Can this please be fixed?  If you need more
> details, please ask.

The savegame immediately before the crash or some turns
prior would be helpful.


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