<URL: http://bugs.freeciv.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=40467 >

Am Donnerstag, 28. August 2008 02:26:02 schrieb Madeline Book:
> <URL: http://bugs.freeciv.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=40467 >
> Of course, I would perfer if a translator could had
> a look and possibly think of better abbreviations that
> would be both intuitive and consistent with the rest
> of the German translation.

Well, I'm not really a translator but I happen to be able to understand 
german, although not always really understanding Germans. ;) Germans really 
do like abbreviations, but to me that is mostly more confusing than helping. 
Maybe that is just because I have to memorize dozens of germans and english 

I always wondered about the w in the english native version as well as about 
the + in the translation. Now you posted this I finally get it. :D Is it 
really so crucial for the length of a message string that you can't just 
write "wonder" or "built" in it? Though I don't really see why this info text 
is particulary necessary anyways, as this particulary piece of news is the 
very reason of the message itself. I would like to see it only in the 
production info or progress bar as "available" ("verfügbar") or "built" 
("gebaut"), but that would mean some more work for all the other language 


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