FreeCol 0.10.6 has been released, to coincide with the end of the
world.  Thanks to all contributors, but particularly to izzieliu (see
below) and reflame (most prolific bug reporter).

The main user-visible changes since 0.10.5 are:

  - bugs:
    >80 bugs fixed.

  - colony names (freecol ruleset):
    The colony names have been revised for accuracy and chronological order,
    contributed by izzieliu.

  - disasters:
    Colonies are subject to natural disasters.

  - editor:
    The map editor should be working again.

  - European trade:
    Trading of goods with other European nations should be working again.

  - intervention force:
    A foreign power may intervene and aid you against the REF.

  - map reveal:
    The map is fully revealed on independence, as in Col1.

  - native anger:
    Native settlements now have a `most hated nation', visible in the
    various popups, reports and the `!' chip by the settlement name.

  - native trade:
    An option has been added to allow trading with empty carrier units.

  - options panel:
    New tree-view of the options.

  - path finding:
    The path finding code has been reworked, and should now find the
    fastest path in more cases.

  - peace:
    The monarch now sometimes declares peace.

  - ship names:
    Ships now have names by default.  Historic ship name list contributed
    by izzieliu.

  - AI:
    - Following the path finding rewrite, most AI actions have been
      reworked and are now more robust and efficient, fixing many
      long standing bugs.  This was a lot of work and the main reason
      for the long release cycle.  Much of this is not really obvious 
      to a casual player, the AI just fails less often.

      For example: In a 0.10.5 test game the Russian AI sent a unit to
      build a colony on a small island, but when it arrived the colony
      site had already been taken by the Swedish.  The Russian unit
      just hung around until eventually captured.  With 0.10.6 a new
      colony site is chosen as soon as the existing one becomes
      unavailable, and if needed a transport unit will be sent to take
      the colony founders there.

    - European AI nations now send missionaries to nearby native

    - European AI player cheating has been reduced, some explicit cheats
      are now controllable in the game options.

    - Native AI gift and tribute demand probabilities are now game options.

    - Note though, with very few exceptions, the AI is concerned
      only with the efficiency of its movements.  It makes no
      attempt to check if it is moving its units into danger.  Not
      yet.  That is the next major thing to do with the AI.  For
      now, do not bother reporting bugs where the AI moved a unit
      into unnecessary danger.  We know.

Known problems that are being fixed but did not make it in time for
this release:

  - The resources on the America map are randomized, but will be returned
    to fixed positions.

  - Some native land claims remain even after the owning settlement has
    been destroyed.

There is no fixed plan for the next release.  If serious bugs are
found in 0.10.6 then 0.10.7 will follow shortly.  Otherwise the next
release is likely to be 0.11.0 as there are a outstanding bugs that
are hard to fix without breaking 0.9.x savegame compatibility.

We hope you enjoy FreeCol 0.10.6.

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