On Sun, 10 Feb 2013 01:56:43 PM Michael Vehrs wrote:
> I have committed a change that introduces a new generalized production
> element, but does not yet make use of its new features. I tried to
> preserve compatibility as far as possible. However, this might be a good
> time to standardize all elements that wrap AbstractGoods in some way or
> other. Any opinions on that?

Nothing strong, other than a general `now is a good time to make major 
changes' given we are heading for 0.11.x.
> I think it will be necessary to replace part of the production logic
> based on modifiers with something based on production elements, in order
> to allow for production types with several input and output types.

Definitely.  Multiple output types will break BuildingType for a start.  I have 
been trying to harmonize its routines with ColonyTile and/or WorkLocation, but 
doubt that is complete.

> If this proves to be necessary, it might also be a good idea to switch tile
> improvements to the same model, although I'm not yet convinced of that.

We are still going to need to deal with modifiers somewhere, so this is 
probably just a code cleanliness issue.

> In order to be able to change the production of colony center tiles, or
> of buildings, in-game, it will be necessary to add a production type to
> all work-places.

Could you give an example?  I am not sure what you are contemplating here.

Mike Pope

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